Bariatric Surgery Results - What to Expect

Bariatric Surgery Results: What to Expect

Expectations after weight loss surgery are varied and depend on the type of bariatric surgery. Individuals that think bariatric surgery is a cure for obesity are misguided and incorrect. Weight loss surgery is a tool to help combat weight loss surgery, after years of unsuccessful dieting, weight loss pills, programs and more.

Following surgery there is a tendency to think that the hard part is over. That is far from true, your bariatric physician will likely give you a strict diet and exercise regimen. Following these rules and exercising regularly will be the keys to your weight loss success, and will help you minimize the possible side effects and complications.

After Gastric Bypass Surgery

Following gastric bypass surgery, patients are likely to stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days depending on how you recover. The first six weeks there will be a very strict dieting plan that is often hard to stick too.

The first year after gastric bypass surgery, patients report astounding results. Patients, on average, lose approximately two-thirds of their excess weight.

After Gastric Banding Surgery

Post gastric banding surgery is less intense than gastric bypass surgery. There is minimal hospital recovery needed for laparoscopic lap band surgery. Following surgery, patients will be put on a diet of only water and ice cubes. From there patients will transition to more liquid-based diets, then to solid foods.

Following your bariatric physician’s dieting and exercising plan is key to maintain a healthy nutritional intake, while still losing weight.

After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Because gastric sleeve is permanent procedure, patients will need to be familiar with their own stomach capacity. Though gastric sleeve will help you eat less food, patients can still overindulge in high-calorie and high-fatty foods. It’s always important to follow your bariatric surgeons’s dietary guidelines for you.

Physical activity is also important post-surgery. Patients need to maintain at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise seven days a week, with the occasionally weight training 3 or 4 days per week.

If you have any questions regarding what post bariatric surgery will be like, please don’t hesitate to contact our knowledgeable staff.

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